When will automobiles be fully autonomous on the road?

When will Automobiles be Fully Autonomous on the Road?

The idea and dream of a fully autonomous car is almost 100 years old. It was first formulated in the US magazine Scientific American. The reason for this was presumably the "American Wonder", a remote-controlled car that drove through Manhattan in 1925. After almost a century, it seems that the automotive industry is on the verge of reaching its goal of having driverless and fully autonomous vehicles participate in everyday traffic.  But when will it finally come? To answer this question, we need to examine the reasons why vehicles are not yet fully autonomous. 

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High Density GPUs

High Density GPUs & FPGAs in Edge Environments

A June 4, 2020 congressional report, “Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Design for Great Power Competition”, reinforced the importance of the United States’ military continuing to develop ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) capabilities as threats grow around the world. The report states that the goal is to “make rapid sense of that data; securely deliver that data to weapons, weapon systems, and commanders; and possess a workforce that can execute its mission in competition and combat, at a pace greater than the enemy.”  

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Partnering With Our Community: A Hands-On Experience

Partnering With Our Community: A Hands-On Experience

Here at One Stop Systems, we continually strive to learn from our customers and employees in order to be better than the day before! What better way than to partner with our community and students in our home of San Diego? We hosted our 2nd annual OSS Summer Internship with students from California State San Marcos/Fullerton, UC San Diego, and the SDSU campuses!

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PCIe vs. 5G: The Importance of HPC at the Edge

PCIe vs. 5G: The Importance of HPC at the Edge

Most of us are familiar with or have at least heard the term ‘Edge’ or ‘Edge Computing’ when discussing new high-performance computing (HPC) technologies around the Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, Autonomous Vehicles, etc. How many of us can explain the different levels of performance between PCIe and 5G, in relation to edge computing? Moreover, why is it important when discussing (HPC) at the edge? In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at the increasing need for greater performance at the edge and what HPC applications benefit from PCIe vs. 5G.

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AI hardware in rugged military environments

Why can’t I put the AI hardware I need in rugged military environments?

On June 8th 2022, the DOD’s chief information officer, John B. Sherman, held a fireside chat with Craig Martell, DOD's chief digital and artificial intelligence officer, at the DOD Digital and AI Symposium as reported by the DOD News. The article stresses the importance of digital transformation and artificial intelligence in enabling warfighters to maintain a battlefield advantage, even as China and Russia develop their own AI for military purposes. 

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AI Model Validation and Edge Computing

AI Model Validation and Edge Computing

Artificial intelligence and machine learning in edge computing require testing data sets to provide accuracy and efficiency. How can this be done? Processing data sets and information through a model to make sure it achieves its intended purpose is done through a process known as model validation.

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